Jason Ivler Info and arrest of NBI shoot out

Jason Ivler Info and arrest of NBI shoot out. Jason Ivler is the nephew of musician Freddie Aguilar and stepson of Asian Development Bank economist Stephen Pollard, a British citizen married to the suspect’s mother.

Ivler was charged with murder for the killing of Renato Ebarle Jr., son of Renato Ebarle Sr., an assistant secretary at MalacaƱang Palace, during a road rage incident at the corner of Boni Serrano St. and Ortigas Avenue in Quezon City last Nov. 18.

The suspect was earlier charged with homicide through reckless imprudence for the death of presidential adviser Nestor Ponce during a traffic accident in 2004. Ivler has two standing arrest warrants in connection with the two cases.

Another complainant had come out and accused Ivler of threatening him with a handgun during another traffic altercation also in Quezon City the night before Ebarle was shot dead.

The suspect allegedly used in the three incidents a vehicle that carried diplomatic license plates assigned to his stepfather Pollard.

Just days after Renato Ebarle Jr. was shot dead during a traffic altercation in November last year, a helper in the household of Marlene Aguilar-Pollard noticed furniture being moved around the house as a renovation got under way.

Alerted by the helper, agents of the National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) kept the house in Blue Ridge, Quezon City under surveillance, even as Aguilar-Pollard insisted that the allged gunman the NBI was looking for, her son Jason Aguilar Ivler, might have already fled to Hawaii.

Yesterday, the NBI’s sleuthing paid off.

A hail of gunfire met the agents as they opened the door leading to the basement. The agents fired back, and a wounded Ivler was carried out of his mother’s house, ending a two-month manhunt.

Lawyer Ruel Lasala, NBI deputy director for intelligence, told reporters that Ivler suffered gunshot wounds in the right shoulder and abdomen and underwent surgery at Quirino Memorial Medical Center (QMMC) after the shootout at No. 23 Hillside Drive in Blue Ridge A Subdivision.

Some 50 heavily armed NBI agents raided the house at around 6 a.m. after receiving information that the suspect was hiding in his mother’s Blue Ridge residence.

Dr. Fernando Lopez, head of the surgery department of the QMMC, said Ivler was in “guarded condition” following surgery after his large intestine was ruptured and his spleen sustained a laceration.

Lasala said lawyer Lito Magno, chief of the NBI Special Action Unit (SAU), sustained a graze wound on his right thigh and was brought to the Medical City for treatment, while special investigator Anna Lira Labao was wounded in the left side of her chest and was brought to QMMC. She has been transferred to the Manila Doctors Hospital.

The raiding team seized from the Ivler an AR-15 rifle, a .45 caliber pistol, and a tactical vest with ammunition magazines.

“Nag ala Rambo siya (Ivler went berserk like the movie character Rambo),” Lasala said, describing how Ivler went berserk when NBI agents found his hideout in a secret room under the stairs of the house.

Lasala said Ivler’s mother Marlene Aguilar became hysterical as she confronted the NBI raiding team.

The NBI said additional charges of assault upon persons of authority, resisting arrest, and illegal possession of firearms would be filed against Ivler.

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