Bb. Pilipinas 2009 title holder die in car crash

Bb. Pilipinas title holder die in car crash. Bb. Pilipinas International 2009, Melody Gersbach and her companions die in a car crash in Camarines Sur.

A Binibining Pilipinas beauty contest titleholder and two of her companions were killed after their car crashed into a passenger bus in Camarines Sur on Saturday morning, a radio report said. Reigning Bb. Pilipinas Melody Gersbach, her driver Santos Ramos and her manager Alvin Orense died on the spot after the Innova car they were riding collided head-on with a Guevarra bus at Barangay Pawili in Bula town at past 11 a.m. Saturday, according to a report aired over Bombo Radyo.

Camarines Sur provincial police director Col. Jonathan Ablang said in the report that Gersbach’s car came from Legazpi City in Albay and was heading to Naga City in Camarines Sur for a local beauty pageant when it figured in the accident.

This page requires a higher version browser For the latest Philippine news stories and videos, visit GMANews.TV The fatalities were brought to a funeral parlor in Barangay Anayan in Pili town after the accident, the report said. Gersbach competed in the Miss International pageant in China last November, where she secured a spot in the semi-finals.