Maroon 5 Band Covers Billboard Magazine

Adam Levine and his Maroon 5 bandmates covers Billboard magazine. On the most recent issue here's the Hands All Over performers share.

Jesse Carmichael, on the band’s changing styles: “We’ve always gone through different stylistic phases ever since we started playing music together in seventh grade. One day it’d be Green Day meets Fugazi, then the next Oasis meets the Black Crowes. It was all over the place, just anything we felt like writing. And that’s still the way it is.”

Maroon 5 Band Covers Billboard Magazine
Adam, on the band’s longevity:
“You get to a point where you can outlive your criticism, and I think we’re starting to turn that corner now. People are saying, ‘Wow, this isn’t a flash in the pan—this is a band that’s been around through other bands’ rising and falling.