BabyTalk/"Good Morning America" Cover Contest

BabyTalk/"Good Morning America" Cover Contest. The 10th anniversary of the Cover Contest, and the fourth year that Babytalk Magazine has partnered with "GMA" in its search to find America's most adorable baby! Babytalk kicked off the contest in March on "GMA," and parents were invited to enter photos of their little ones through the end of May.

The three finalists for the Babytalk/"GMA" Cover Contest were announced live today on "Good Morning America"!

From nearly 50,000 entries, Babytalk and "GMA" chose the eight semi-finalists in June, and the eight families flew to New York for a professional photo shoot with a Babytalk photographer in August.

All eight were adorable…but we could only choose three finalists. Here they

Name: Rhianyn McIntyre
Age: 11 Months
Hometown: Chesterfield, Mo.

Rhianyn lit up the photo shoot with her crystal-blue eyes and adorable personality. She was quite the people watcher and very interactive and considerate of others. She loves playing with her big sister, who joined the rest of the family at the photo shoot to watch her baby sister strike a pose.

Name: Nikhil Gursahaney
Age: 18 months
Hometown: Clifton, Va.

Nikhil and his whole big, loving family attended the photo shoot. His parents say he is a constant source of entertainment, especially for his two older sisters – one of whom had the idea to enter Nicky in the cover contest. He loves to dance and eat, and brought big smiles to everyone's face at the photo shoot!

Name: Rowan Spracklen
Age: 14 months
Hometown: Erie, Pa.

Rowan has an incredible story. He was adopted from Ethiopia when he was just 6 months old. He was also quite the ladies' man at the photo shoot. As soon as he arrived with mom and dad, he attracted a crowd that was mesmerized by his huge, puppy-dog brown eyes and friendly smile.

Voting ends on Sept. 7, 2009, at 11:59 p.m. ET. The winner will appear on the cover of the November issue of Babytalk, which will be unveiled on "GMA" in October. In addition, the cover baby will take home a $1,000 gift card from the Children's Place, the cover contest's exclusive retail partner.