Tami Farrell newly crowned beauty Queen, New Miss California

Tami Farrell newly crowned beauty Queen, New Miss California. Tami Farrell, the newly crowned beauty queen who is replacing the ousted Carrie Prejean as Miss California, apparently holds the same view as her predecessor, Carrie Prejean, and President Obama that marriage should be between a man and a woman.

Fox News host Neil Cavuto asked Farrell, who is Christian, on his show today:

"[Prejean] went out and said that a marriage is between a man and a woman. Do you share that view?"

Farrell responded in the affirmative with a simple, "Uh huh."

"You do, OK," said Cavuto.

Tami Farrell, the new Miss California

Farrell quickly added: "I don't think that I have the right or anybody has a right to tell somebody who they can or can't love. And I think that this is a civil rights issue. And I think that the right thing to do is let the voters decide."

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Californians voted in favor of marriage being valid only between a man and a woman in the most recent election on the issue in the Proposition 8 measure.

Earlier in the interview, Cavuto asked, "Do you mind my asking you, Tami, how you feel, about gay marriage since this has been such a hot issue with your predecessor?"

Farrell's response: "You know, I think it's hilarious right now that the world is turning to beauty queens for the answers for this. I think it's an important issue and I think that it's one that I don't think I can win a battle. I don't want to be any more divisive than it's already become."

As WND reported, Prejean says she's shocked by her firing yesterday by the officials of the Miss California USA Pageant.

On a blog posting today, Prejean said:

"I hope Americans watching this story unfold, take away the most important lesson I have learned through all of this: nothing is more important than standing up for what you believe in, no matter what the cost may be. I've done my best under the difficult circumstances to handle the vicious attacks with integrity and show respect to others, even those who don't agree with me."

Donald Trump, owner of the pageant, said he fired the Miss USA runner-up not for her stance against same-sex marriage, but for failing to make required appearances, as well as unauthorized attendance at other events.

"I told Carrie she needed to get back to work and honor her contract with the Miss California USA Organization and I gave her the opportunity to do so," Trump said. "Unfortunately it just doesn't look like it is going to happen."