Nora, The Piano Cat: New Internet Star in the Web

Nora, The Piano Cat: New Internet Star in the Web. Nora, the Keyboard Cat--with his uncanny ability to make any FAIL situation even funnier by playing people off, not to mention his awesome shirt--is an iconic Internet meme for the ages. But Piano Cat is a true iconic artiste.

Nora The Piano Cat is the star of CATcerto, a project masterminded by Lithuanian conductor/composer Mindaugas Piecaitis. CATcerto premiered last month at the Klaipeda Concert Hall in Lithuania, with Nora performing with Piecaitis's chamber orchestra via video. The four-minute piece was created specifically for this four-footed soloist, and it has since taken the Web by storm thanks to Nora's innate artistry.

Fast-forward to Nora The Piano Cat's solo at the 1:30 mark below, and just look at how much this feline feels the music. Look at how the world's "first professional cat concert pianist" leans on those ivories! Such emotion! Such animalistic passion!

Now Nora has her own Twitter account, Facebook fan page, official website, and blog, and she's conducted interviews for magazines all over Europe.

Watch this:

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