Roxanne Barcelo, former Pinoy Big Brother Celebrity Edition housemate, patience and hardwork pays off

Roxanne Barcelo, former Pinoy Big Brother Celebrity Edition housemate, patience and hardwork pays off. The lack of projects brought out the best in former Pinoy Big Brother Celebrity Edition housemate Roxanne Barcelo.

"I experienced yong walang-wala ka talagang work and sobrang humbling for me na alam mo lang kung ano'ng gusto mong gawin sa buhay mo, pero the opportunities, hindi dumarating. Yong parang sobrang daming temptations to move out of this business and to try something else, na baka you're good at something else. I don't know, I was even thinking of selling condominiums and getting into marketing, advertising.

"Ang dami kong inisip na ibang bagay na pasukin pero inisip ko na lang na siguro hindi ako hahayaan ng Panginoon na mawalan ng passion o hindi niya ibibigay yong passion sa heart ko kung hindi naman niya rin ako ibi-bless."

PEP (Philippine Entertainment Portal) had the chance to talk to Roxanne at the grand press conference of Marian Rivera's upcoming fantasy primetime series, Darna, last August 3. The event was staged at Studio 5 of the GMA Network Center in Quezon City. Roxanne was tapped by the Kapuso Network to play the role of Narda's bestfriend, Aleli.

PATIENCE IS A VIRTUE. Though frustration would most of the time sink in, Roxanne stressed that never did she felt disheartened with the slow progress of her career.

"I never believed kasi in the word depression," said Roxanne candidly. "Parang you never allow yourself to feel depressed o mag-self-pity. It's just an opportunity for you to be humbled, and kumbaga, to work harder."

The inconsistent flow of projects prompted Roxanne to personally scout for auditions—a fact she takes utmost pride in announcing despite the wrong placed negative connotation expressed by narrow-minded individuals.

"People can say whatever they want to say. But, honestly, on my part, it's like you're looking for a job. And in our industry, how can you look for a job? You audition.

"Para sa akin, I didn't hear kung saan yong mga audition for shows. So, what I did is I audition for the things I see on TV, nababasa ko sa diyaryo and ganun talaga."

Roxanne, however, admitted that jumping from one audition to another can also be tiring regardless of an individual's competitive nature. And that was the main reason why she slowed down considerably after her PBB stint in 2006.

Not being seen frequently in television doesn't mean that Roxanne's showbiz career was toiling in obscurity. In fact, she has been hosting the educational pre-school show, Batang Bibbo! since last year.

But landing a primetime program much more an ambitious project like Darna understandably is an entirely different story.

"Ang saya! Sobrang saya!" Roxanne said enthusiastically. "It's the first time na I can say na if you persevere and wait patiently, plans that you made way back, they will happen."