Judy Ann “Juday” Santos: More than two months pregnant

Judy Ann “Juday” Santos: More than two months pregnant. Juday's husband Ryan Agoncillo confirmed on Eat Bulaga (where he's a co-host), that Juday more than two months pregnant.

According to this paper’s Allure section assistant editor Bum Tenorio, the couple’s friend, Ryan is ecstatic that in seven months, he will be a brand-new dad.

“Juday is just cool about it,” said Bum, “or it has not sunk in yet that yes, she is two months pregnant.”

“Ayos!” was Ryan’s first reaction when he first heard the heartbeat of their baby in Juday’s womb. Juday was tested positive in her pregnancy test at the Asian Hospital two weeks ago but the couple waited until yesterday to make the announcement.

“We wanted to make sure before we made the announcement,” Bum quoted Ryan as saying. “So, when we were at Asian and I heard the baby’s heartbeat, that was really the time we confirmed that Juday is pregnant. I’m beyond words. There is no single word that I can think of to describe how happy I am.”

While Ryan was making the happy announcement on Eat, Bulaga! yesterday, Juday was at home preparing barbecue for their dinner with friends.

Added Ryan in jest, “Doble kayod ako nito,” hinting that Juday will take it slow at the showbiz front.

The couple’s five-year-old adopted daughter Yohan is so excited that she’s the one breaking the news to her grandparents and other relatives.

“Excited siya maging big sister,” Ryan said.