Watch Bb. Pilipinas 2010 beauty pageant live

Watch Bb. Pilipinas 2010 beauty pageant live. Watch the grand coronation night of 47th annual Binibining Pilipinas 2010 on March 6, 2010 at the Araneta Coliseum, and will be broadcast by GMA Network and GMA's international channel, GMA Pinoy TV.

UPDATED: Bb. Pilipinas 2010 winners and results (CLICK HERE)
Watch the video here: Pre-Pageant Night Live of Bb. Pilipinas 2010
Watch the video live here: Filipino TV Channel Online (GMA 7 Live)
For photos click here: photos of Bb. Pilipinas 2010 official candidates

For more info click this:
Official Candidates info
Official 24 candidates

The pageant will be hosted by Dingdong Dantes and Carla Abellana. 24 ladies will compete for the 3 major crowns.