Amanda Seyfried: Cover of Teen Vogue magazine (June 2010 Edition)

Amanda Seyfried: Cover of Teen Vogue magazine (June 2010 Edition). Amanda Seyfried is on the cover of June 2010 Teen Vogue magazine, shows that she is very ready for summer.

The 24-year-old actress opened up with the magazine about her unexpected success in Hollywood, her relationship with beau Dominic Cooper and being followed.

On her feelings about the paparazzi: “I don’t really care about paparazzi—like, I’m not wearing makeup right now and I should be—but when someone follows me around on a day like that, a really wonderful, beautiful day…had I known he was there, I would have been really upset.”

On defining love: “It’s fun to play characters who have these ideals that you don’t have. Like, in Dear John, Channing [Tatum] and I had such a good time because we were pretending to be in love. A lot of people ask me, ‘Is Dominic the one?’ I don’t know, and I’m fine with that. Too much planning can lead to heartbreak. Love is great and possible, always, but it’s very rare to have the feeling that ‘I want to be with this person forever.”

On how she became a success in Hollywood: “I am successful now, and it’s wonderful. But the reason it is so wonderful is because I didn’t expect it to happen.”

Check out Amanda’s full interview in the June 2010 issue of Teen Vogue — ON STANDS NOW!