Baby Cory's dance "Single Ladies" by Beyonce music video

Baby Cory's dance "Single Ladies" by Beyonce music video. Watch Cory's dancing "Single Ladies" by Beyonce music videos has made headlines on the web.

Cory was born on November 11th 2007 in Auckland, New Zealand. This video was shot at his grandmother’s home when he was just 13 months old at that stage he wasn’t even walking, just pulling himself up on furniture. The TV was tuned to NZ music channel C4 at the time, and when Cory noticed Beyonce’s music video “Single Ladies” he crawled over and began to dance! It was such a crack up, and luckily dad Chester had a video camera handy and got the whole thing on tape. Cory loves all kinds of music, from classical to hip hop, and continues to dance regularly. You can hear Chester holding back the laughter in the background!

Watch this cute video: