John & Edward have generated English outrage ever since they shockingly advanced to Bootcamp Week over arguably much more gifted, if much less fascinating, vocalists. For TV series visit FILIPINO TV CHANNEL
If X Factor is about fun then the twins are the winners! The X Factor's MOST famous associate, Simon Cowell, it's hard to say whether or not he's a fan of the "double divas from Dublin." Yes, Simon did declare their Saturday night Britney routine "THE WORST LIVE PERFORMANCE" he'd ever seen in the entire history of The X Factor, and likened it to something out of The Exorcist. (The X-orcist Factor? That has a nice ring to it; I predict/pray for a John & Edward spinoff show) But he also said the twins' fun and fearless performance had made him like them more (they'd had "likability issues" on past episodes, due to their constant sassing back to the judges). And coming from Simon, that is high praise indeed.