Channing Tatum, cover of GQ Magazine August 2009 Edition

Channing Tatum, cover of GQ Magazine August 2009 Edition. Newly married Channing Tatum takes the August 2009 cover of GQ magazine lookin’ hot . Check out what the 29-year-old actor, who married his Step Up co-star Jenna Dewan on Saturday, had to say:

On his Uncle Bruce’s 300-acre ranch in Wetumpka (33 miles northeast of Montgomery, Alabama): “[It's my] favorite place on the planet, by far. ‘Cause it’s real, you know?”

On how he fell into Hollywood: “I got crazy lucky. Like, sometimes I think I won the lottery or something. At times it feels like the bottom’s gonna fall out. Just ’cause I don’t really know how I got here. But I just keep moving forward, and it just keeps getting better and better.”

On his movies Step Up and Coach Carter: “[They're called] tweeners—you know, those midlevel-budget movies that just kinda do good.”

On G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra, out August 7: “This is, like, my first step out into the whole commercial realm. I hope it does okay.”

On being proud of his presidential pick in Alabama, which is largely Republican: “I don’t care. If they don’t like me because I voted for Obama, then f— them. I like horses and I like Obama. Nothin’ wrong with hat.”