Watch ESPN sportscaster Erin Andrews peephole pervert video

Watch ESPN sportscaster Erin Andrews peephole pervert video. Sexy ESPN sportscaster Erin Andrews was the target of a peephole pervert who surreptitiously shot a video of her walking around her hotel room naked and posted it on the Internet.

The sideline siren wants the creepy cameraman brought to justice, both for herself and to keep other victims from having to go through the same nightmare.

Andrews' lawyer, Marshall B. Grossman, confirmed yesterday she was "surreptitiously videotaped" while "in the privacy of her hotel room."

"Although the perpetrators of this criminal act have not yet been identified, when they are identified, she intends to bring both civil and criminal charges against them and against anyone who has published the material," Grossman said.

In the video, Andrews is seen primping her hair and putting on her makeup.

The video and screen grabs first surfaced on the Internet under the title "Hot naked blonde who looks a lot like a sports blogger favorite in her hotel room," according to the sports-and-gossip Web site Deadspin.

The site on which the images first appeared didn't identify the woman as Andrews, whom Playboy calls "America's Sexiest Sportscaster."

But ESPN believes she was the victim of the crime.

It quickly got the video yanked by warning that it was taken by a peeping Tom and that anyone circulating the film could be convicted as an accessory.

ESPN said Andrews "has been grievously wronged" and pledged to help with the investigation.

"Our people and resources are in full support of her as she deals with this abhorrent act," a spokesman said yesterday.

At least one more version of the video, on YouTube, was also removed.

It's been speculated that the video was taken in Omaha, Neb., last month while Andrews was covering the College World Series. But the local police department and US Attorney's Office said no reports had been filed with them.

Meanwhile, voyeurs who tried to access the pictures after they were taken down were directed to sites that showed a blurry video of a naked, attractive blonde, touted as Andrews.

And when they clicked on the video, they got a computer virus.

"There are lots more sites out there pretending to host the Erin Andrews peephole but really hosting malicious software," wrote Graham Cluley, of the anti-virus firm Sophos.

He said hackers took advantage of the instant celebrity status of the original video to circulate a fake. "And surprise, surprise if you visit those Web pages you could be putting the security of your computer at real risk," he said.

Meanwhile, Andrews isn't talking about the horrifying incident.

"We request respect of Erin's privacy at this time, while she and her representatives are working with the authorities," Grossman said.

Watch this:

Watch Erin Andrews behind the video (with Photos)