PETA Playmates hit Capitol Hill by dressed in fashionable bejeweled lettuce bikinis (with Video)

PETA Playmates hit Capitol Hill by dressed in fashionable bejeweled lettuce bikinis (with Video). Washington's favorite subjects—Congress and sex—teamed up today when PETA deployed the latest Playboy playmates of the year to encourage lawmakers and their staffers to start a vegan diet. On hand outside the Rayburn building, and dressed in fashionable bejeweled lettuce bikinis, were 2008 Playmate of the Year Jayde Nicole (right) and Cyber Girl of the Year Jo Garcia.

Nicole, touted by People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals as its "newest lettuce lady," told us, "I don't remember what a real hot dog tastes like, but this tastes good." When we arrived, there was a none-too-surprising line around the building as eager staffers waited to pose with the playmates.

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See Jayde Nicole in a lettuce bikini in PETA (with Photos)