Dancing With The Stars World First: Gerrard Gosens blind dancers, wows viewers

Dancing With The Stars World First: Gerrard Gosens blind dancers, wows viewers. One competitor is about to make a big splash on the Web. Gerard Gosens, an adventurer and three-time paralympian, recently wowed audiences with a flawless waltz. What made the dance so impressive? Mr. Gosens is blind.

There are many different versions of "Dancing With The Stars"." The competition is heating up in Australia, where big names are strutting their stuff.

Gosens and his partner glided across the dance floor without missing a step, and, in the process, pushed lookups on "gerrard gosens dance" into breakout territory. Among the people watching the performance was Gosens mother, Carol O'Brien. In an interview with NewsMail, Ms. O'Brien explained that her son has a condition called "aniridia" in which he was born without irises and lost his sight completely at age 14." Not surprisingly, Mum was quite proud of her boy. "I was amazed at him, he had a really nice rhythm."

Watch this, you can see that rhythm for yourself below...