Piolo Pascual pictures perfect ideal girlfriend

Piolo Pascual pictures perfect ideal girlfriend. In Manila, Philippines, Actor Piolo Pascual has a clear idea of what an ideal girlfriend should be.

"She should be simple, with beauty and brains, a good conversationalist, and without pretensions," he said in an interview.

The 32-year-old added that he may have found all these things in KC Concepcion, his leading lady in the forthcoming remake of the Koreanovela hit, "Lovers in Paris."

"Pero syempre ang sukatan naman d'yan [ay] yung pagkatapos na ng soap opera," he said.

Piolo became friends with KC when the Megadaughter was still studying in France. He has been courting KC for some time now.

"Mas komportable kami ngayon [kasi] lagi namin nakikita ang isa't-isa," said Piolo.

It took a while for Piolo to decide who to woo because he wants his next girlfriend to be his last.

"Gusto ko ay siya na ang pakakasalan ko. I want to invest on someone na alam kong makakasama ko habang buhay kaya hindi ako yung ligaw nang ligaw at kapag ayoko na, ayoko na."

He believes in destiny when finding his ever after.

"I know God is preparing someone for me. After the many years of waiting, I deserve naman someone na talagang para sa akin," said Piolo who plans to settle down at age 35.

Piolo can still afford to wait. He, after all, is busy with his career.

The actor had recently ventured into producing films beginning with "Manila." Inspired by Ishmael Bernal's "Manila By Night" and Lino Brocka's "Jaguar," "Manila" had screenings at the Cannes Film Festival in May 2009 and the Moscow International Film Festival Manila last June 2009.

"Manila" will also be the opening film at the Cinemalaya Cinco on July 17.

"I got into film production so I could help more people," he said. "I also wanna grow in this business by broadening my horizons."

Piolo is also co-producing "Kimmy Dora (Kambal sa Kiyeme)," the launching movie of comedienne Eugene Domingo which co-stars Dingdong Dantes.

Sources: Manila Bulletin